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open civil conflict against the government. Our model implies that terrorism emerges if constraints on the ruling executive … group are intermediate and rents are sizeable, whereas conflict looms under poor executive constraints. Analyzing annual … when considering the incidence and onset of terrorism and conflict. The corresponding magnitudes are economically sizeable …
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In many instances of potential violent or non-violent conflict the future strategic positions of adversaries are very … different when there is open conflict than when there is settlement. In such environments we show that, as the future becomes … more important, open conflict becomes more likely than settlement. We demonstrate the theoretical robustness of this …
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systematically more likely to slip into civil conflict and civil war. Intuitively, political preferences and beliefs of highly … polarization and test its predictive power in explaining the likelihood of civil conflict and civil war, analyzing 146 countries … educational polarization is associated with a 4.6 and 3.8 percentage point rise in the chances of civil conflict and civil war …
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economic development, notably institutions and geography. This paper sheds a different light on these determinants. We use … spatial econometrics to analyse the importance of the geography of institutions. We show that it is not only absolute … for a country's gdp per capita. Apart from a country's own institutions, institutions in neighboring countries turn out to …
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This paper examines whether the federal structure of aid-receiving countries matters in explaining aid effectiveness. Following the decentralization theorem, the devolution of powers should increase aid effectiveness, since local decision-makers are better informed about local needs. At the same...
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attacker's objective is to destroy a set of nodes that disconnects the network. The conflict at each node is modeled as a …
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Although the relationship between natural resources and civil war has received much attention, little is known about the underlying mechanisms. Controversies and contradictions in the stylized facts persist because resource extraction is treated as exogenous while in reality fighting affects...
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We study the role of inter-group differences in the emergence of conflict. In our setting, two groups compete for the …, that the opposition can either accept, or reject and wage conflict. Expropriating a large share of resources increases … of conflict. In equilibrium, allocations are non-monotonic in the cost of mobility. Moreover, limited commitment with …
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This research advances the hypothesis and establishes empirically that interpersonal population diversity has contributed significantly to the emergence, prevalence, recurrence, and severity of intrasocietal conflicts. Exploiting an exogenous source of variations in population diversity across...
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Institutions are important for proper economic performance, but are replaceable by trust or other social norms. We show … that when proper institutions and trust are missing, integrity of the individuals can replace them. We construct a model of … a transactions-based economy with contracts preceding the transactions, and show that any one of (1) institutions, (2 …
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