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This paper derives and estimates rules for fiscal policy that prescribe the optimal response to changes in unemployment and debt. We combine the reduced-form model of the economy from a linear VAR with a non-linear welfare function and obtain analytic solutions for optimal policy. The variables...
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Previous estimates of inequality of opportunity (IOp) are lower bounds because of the unobservability of the full set …, is important for the acceptance of (some) inequality and the design of redistributive policies as underestimating the …
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This contribution develops a blueprint for a European fiscal union. We argue that a viable European fiscal union can be constructed without joint liability for public debt or a centralized government with a large common budget. Such a fiscal union should combine elements of market discipline...
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debate by proposing a new family of measures of unfair inequality. To do so, we acknowledge that inequality is not bad per se … fairness principles, namely equality of opportunity and freedom from poverty, into a joint measure of unfair inequality. Two … empirical applications provide important new insights on the development of unfair inequality both over time (in the US) and …
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Income inequality in Germany has been continuously increasing during the past 20 years. In general, this is understood … as an increase in inequality of wages due to changes in bargaining power of employees. However, the role of changing … paper is to quantify the proportion of changing household structures in the increase in inequality. We find that the rise in …
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Several recent studies show that the elasticity of taxable income (ETI) is not a sufficient statistic for the welfare costs of taxation due to factors such as taxbase shifting. This paper provides an additional argument demonstrating the non-sufficiency of the ETI, namely tax deductions....
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There is clear evidence that fairness plays a role in redistribution. Individuals want to compensate others for their misfortune, while they allow them to enjoy the fruits of their effort. This paper introduces fairness in a tax-benefit scheme that is based on several characteristics in order to...
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The perpetual inventory method used for the construction of education data per country leads to systematic measurement error. This paper analyses the effect of this measurement error on GDP regressions. There is a systematic difference in the education level between census data and observations...
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The direct impact of local public goods on welfare is relatively easy to measure from land rents. However, the indirect effects on home and job location, on land use, and on agglomeration benefits are hard to pin down. We develop a spatial general equilibrium model for the valuation of these...
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A wide class of models with On-the-Job Search (OJS) predicts that workers gradually select into better-paying jobs. We develop a simple methodology to test predictions implied by OJS using two sources of identification: (i) time-variation in job-finding rates and (ii) the time since the last...
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