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the European Union's neighbourhood? In the spirit of Montesquieu and Monnet, the basic hypothesis of the EU is that closer … prosperity and detente. The EU has a strong motive in this, since conflicts in its neighbourhood spill-over into the EU itself …, strong intraregional trade, and the prospect of accession to the EU. It concludes that the EU's Member States must give …
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This paper discusses the process of European institutional integration from a political-economy perspective, linking the long-standing political debate on the nature of the European project to the recent economic literature on political integration and disintegration. First, we introduce the...
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We estimate the Feldstein-Horioka equation for the period 1960-2012 and find structural breaks that coincide with the introduction of the European single market in 1993, the introduction of the euro in 1999 and the financial crisis in 2008. The results suggest that the correlation between...
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Agreements (FTAs) on trade flows. In this paper we focus on FTAs (also called European agreements) between the European Union (EU … with the EU was signed exceeded trade growth of the control group of countries which did not become members …
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controversial EU legislative proposals passed between 1999 and 2002 …
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Preferences about the vertical distribution of power in federal systems are not well understood. I argue that negative historical experiences with higher-level governments can plausibly raise demands for exit strategies and a devolution of power. But integration, for instance delegating power...
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We use a quantitative model to study the implications of European integration for welfare and migration flows across 1,318 regions. The model suggests that an increase of trade barriers to the level of 1957 reduces welfare by about 1-2 percent on average, depending on the presumed trade...
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, regions, or countries. The enlargement of the EU or the introduction of the euro, however, can be looked upon as integration … that go along with EU integration along the border. Both at the urban and regional level, we find a beneficial influence of … the EU integration process as measured by the growth in population share along the integration borders, leading to an …
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Europe's monetary union is part of a broader process of integration that started in the aftermath of World War II. In this “political guide for economists” we look at the creation of the euro within the bigger picture of European integration. How and why were European institutions...
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within the EU and how this changed between 1980 and 2008. We present several novel empirical regularities that paint a … heterogeneity within member states themselves, or in well functioning federations such as the US, cultural diversity across EU …
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