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We develop a spatial model of energy exploitation where energy sources are differentiated by their geographic location … and energy density. The spatial setting creates a scaling law that magnifies the importance of differences across energy … plays must first boom and then bust. For both renewable and non-renewable energy sources we link the size of exploitation …
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that climate policy stimulates a dedicated form of energy-knowledge without reducing generic R&D investments. Since … advancements in labour productivity have a negative impact on the environment because labour is assumed to be complement to energy …
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Many transport technologies cause a “not‐in‐my‐backyard” (NIMBY) reaction of locals in that they often oppose the nearby location of necessary infrastructure despite benefiting from greater mobility. We employ quasi‐experimental research methods to disentangle the offsetting noise...
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-theoretic model of attack and defense of a network in which the defender's objective is to maintain network connectivity and the … attacker's objective is to destroy a set of nodes that disconnects the network. The conflict at each node is modeled as a … which a single random [minimal] set of nodes that disconnects the network is attacked …
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networks in the spatial diffusion of local economic shocks. We develop a network model that shows how a district's level of … prosperity is related to its position in the network. The network model's first-order conditions are used to derive an … underlying network structure can inform us about the potential gains from policies that increase economic activity in specific …
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review is on studies that use network analysis paying special attention to those that apply complex analysis techniques …
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In this paper we propose an alternative explanation for the nature, sources and consequences of inflation rate differentials in a monetary union, such as EMU. To achieve this, we build on the new neoclassical synthesis (NNS) framework, recently advanced by Goodfriend (2002) and Goodfriend and...
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both the host and the source countries. It models the host country stylistically as a core EU welfare state, with tax … financed benefits and migration policies, and the migration source country as an accession country (following the EU …
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income shock in the EU, compared to 32 per cent in the US. In the case of an unemployment shock 48 per cent of the shock are … absorbed in the EU, compared to 34 per cent in the US. This cushioning of disposable income leads to a demand stabilization of … 26 to 35 per cent in the EU and 19 per cent in the US. There is large heterogeneity within the EU. Automatic stabilizers …
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Fiscal federalism may not be a panacea in a monetary union if it does not address the non-cooperative behaviour between fiscal policymakers. To prove this, we assess the relative merits of a fiscal federalism scheme in a monetary union and intergovernmental fiscal cooperation without such a...
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