Showing 1 - 10 of 1,930
prices and features of goods without incurring search costs. The platform alleviates sellers' competition by charging them …
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The relationship between competition and performance-related pay has been analyzed in single … competition when aggregated firm data is used …
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Using data from the U.S. automobile market, we empirically examine the link between competition and innovation … this an interesting market to examine the link between competition and innovation. We use firm-level time-series data over … patenting, and the relationship is reasonably non-linear; (2) higher market-wide competition results in an increase in patenting …
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stress that competition and regulatory authorities should take seriously the potential trade-off between market power effects …
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local credit markets. We provide evidence that marginal increases in interbank competition are detrimental to relationship … technologies are al-ready widely in use in the market by a large group of small mutual banks, an increase in competition may drive …
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This study evaluates the role market competition plays in determining inflation based on sector-level data from OECD … countries. In theory, trade openness can affect inflation through changes in market competitiveness and productivity … of market competition. This study shows that inflation decreases with greater market competitiveness even after …
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I introduce a reduced form two-sided market model to study prediction and identification in two-sided markets. The model generates the hallmark features of two-sided markets: potentially below cost or even negative prices to one side of the market, and the “see-saw” or “waterbed” effect...
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increase on its prices. Adding price competition, we study next how the tax affects profits. Because of the strategic …
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increase on its prices. Adding price competition, we study next how the tax affects profits. Because of the strategic …
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pure monopoly. We extend this model by examining cases of perfect competition and a vertically integrated domestic company … larger are the backward linkage effects. They reach their maximum under perfect competition in the intermediate goods market …
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