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marriage and with lower savings rates in the presence of diseconomies of marriage. In the context of traditional gender roles …, this implies higher saving rates by young men and lower saving rates by young women than in less traditional countries, the … opposite being the case with saving rates of married women relative to those of married men. We establish the relevance of …
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Allowing for a free choice of the recipient's gender in a dictator game (N = 508), we find that women show a … recipient and overall transfers increase. Yet, conditioning on transfers to fellow students the gender bias of women remains … substantial gender biased towards females. Adding a charity recipient to the possible choices, the charity becomes the primary …
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sabotage renders the gender quota ineffective in encouraging women to enter tournaments and reversing gender pay gaps. Moreover …, we provide evidence of a severe backlash against women, as they become targets of sabotage under gender quotas …This study experimentally investigates gender quotas in light of peer review. We investigate competitions with and …
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gender gap in democratic attitudes, there have been no attempts to explain it. In this paper we try to understand why females … controlling for individual characteristics does not offset the gender gap, but our results indicate that the gap is eroded by high …
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We study the effectiveness of a novel measure to reduce gender gaps in political empowerment: double preference voting … conditioned on gender, coupled with gender quotas on candidate lists. This policy was introduced in 2013 in Italian local …
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Is unemployment the overwhelming determinant of domestic violence that many commentators expect it to be? The contribution of this paper is to examine, theoretically and empirically, how changes in unemployment affect the incidence of domestic abuse. The key theoretical prediction is that male...
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survey, we observe that approval for gender quotas is low if women are not disadvantaged in the manager selection process …Gender quotas are frequently proposed to address persistent gender imbalances in managerial roles. However, it is … reveal that both opinions about gender quotas and workplace behavior crucially depend on the workplace environment. In our …
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This paper explores the implications of gender-based income taxation in a non-cooperative model of a couple's time … by gender is solely determined by spouses' relative marginal rates of substitution between the public household good and … sharp contrast to previous models of gender-based taxation in which households select Pareto efficient allocations …
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The birth of children often shifts the power balance within a family. If family decisions are made according to the spouses' welfare function, this shift in power may lead to a time consistency problem. The allocation of resources after the birth of children may differ from the ex-ante optimal...
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We provide evidence on household and market production in 36 countries since 1960. On average the household sector accounts for almost half of total hours worked. As GDP per capita increases, the employment share of household production in total hours worked initially declines and then hardly...
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