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From a theoretical perspective, the output gap is probably the most comprehensive and convincing concept to describe the cyclical position of an economy. Unfortunately, for practical purposes, the concept depends on the determination of potential output, which is an inherently unobservable...
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In downtown areas, what proportion of curbside should be allocated to parking? In contrast to most previous work on the economics of parking, this paper focuses on optimal curbside parking capacity in both first-best (where pricing is efficient) and second-best (where pricing is inefficient)...
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We exploit variation across Italian Regions in the implementation of region-specific tariffs within a Prospective Pay System (PPS) for hospitals based on Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) to assess their impact on health and on the use of health care services. We consider survey data for the years...
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This paper studies the effect of hospital ownership on treatment rates allowing for spatial correlation among hospitals …. Competition among hospitals and knowledge spillovers generate significant externalities which we try to capture using the spatial … hospital ownership on treatment rates that depends upon the market structure where the hospital is located and which varies by …
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hospital admissions (both on the internal and external margin) and its duration or length of stay (LOS). We find robust … intense, among beneficiaries of publicly funded home care (amounting to 11% of total hospital costs), and among regions …
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, we introduce a Stackelberg game where the hospital is the leader and the care institution is the follower. The reform …
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This study investigates hospitals’ dynamic incentives to select patients when hospitals are remunerated according to a prospective payment system of the DRG type. Given that prices typically reflect past average costs, we use a discrete-time dynamic framework. Patients differ in severity...
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We study the incentives for hospitals to provide quality and expend cost-reducing effort when their budgets are soft, i.e., the payer may cover deficits or confiscate surpluses. The basic set up is a Hotelling model with two hospitals that differ in location and face demand uncertainty, where...
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the German birth statistics 1996 to 2010 and German hospital data from 2006 to 2011, we estimate that since the …
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Many countries have reformed hospital reimbursement policies to provide stronger incentives for quality and cost … competition. We build a nonprice competition model to examine the effect of a shift from global budget to patient-based payment …
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