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For a long time globalization could be seen everywhere but in gravity estimates. We offer evidence how globalization affects manufacturing trade over the period 1986-2006 and show that, on average, the effect of distance has fallen whereas the effects of proximity and regional trade agreements...
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We review and interpret the main theoretical developments in the gravity literature from its very early, a-theoretical applications to the latest structural contributions. We also discuss challenges and implement methods to estimate empirical gravity equations. We finish with a presentation and...
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. By using data on the number of bilaterally traded products we improve on identification and allow estimation of the …
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One of the oldest and largest literatures in empirical economics is concerned with the estimation of demand and supply … structure of the data. This chapter is concerned with a host of issues that arise with the estimation of such models, respecting … their panel econometric generic structure. The issues covered range from the estimation of double-indexed versus higher …
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According to the pollution haven hypotheses differences in environmental regulation affect trade flows and plant location. Specifically, environmental stringency should decrease exports and increase imports of 'dirty' goods. This paper estimates a gravity model to establish whether the...
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Many studies have found that international borders represent large barriers to trade. But how do international borders compare to domestic border barriers? We investigate international and domestic border barriers in a unified framework. We consider a unique data set of exports from individual...
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We develop a new general equilibrium monopolistic competition model with variable demand elasticity, heterogeneous firms, and multiple asymmetric regions. Wages, productivity, consumption diversity, and markups across firms and markets are all endogenously determined and respond to trade...
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This paper derives a micro-founded gravity equation in general equilibrium based on a translog demand system that allows for endogenous markups and rich substitution patterns across goods. In contrast to standard CES-based gravity equations, trade is more sensitive to trade costs if the...
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Has the Kyoto Protocol induced carbon leakage? We conduct the first empirical ex-post evaluation of the Protocol. We derive a theoretical gravity equation for the CO2 content of trade, which accounts for intermediate inputs, both domestic and imported. The structure of our new panel database of...
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yields economically plausible and statistically significant estimates of the declining effect of “national borders” on world … phase-ins of agreements, lagged terms-of-trade effects, reverse causality, various estimation techniques, disaggregation …
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