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We formulate a dynamic game model of trade in an exhaustible resource with a quantity-setting cartel. We compute the feedback Nash equilibrium and two Stackelberg equilibria under two different leadership scenarios: leadership by the strategic importing country, and leadership by the exporting...
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country's relative size or relative average productivity. Furthermore, in the two-country Nash equilibrium, tariffs turn out … to be strategic substitutes. Small or poor economies set lower Nash tariffs than large or rich ones. Lower transportation … costs or smaller fixed market entry costs induce higher equilibrium tariffs and larger welfare losses relative to the case …
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Theoretical and empirical research in economics suggests that bilateral migration triggers bilateral trade through a number of channels. This paper assesses the functional form of the impact of migration on trade flows in a quasi-experimental setting. We provide evidence that the relationship is...
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Quantitative results from a large class of international trade models depend critically on the elasticity of trade with respect to trade frictions. We develop a simulated method of moments estimator to estimate this elasticity from disaggregate price and trade-flow data using the Ricardian...
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to use contingent tariffs to control import surges of food commodities and/or downward spikes in their border prices. The …
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When Vietnam entered WTO in 2007 it was granted an accession period up to 2014. During this period tariffs would have …
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WTO negotiations deal predominantly with bound - besides applied - tariff rates. But, how can reductions in tariffs … from the real options literature; doing so we highlight the important role of bound tariffs at the extensive margin of … trade. We find that bound tariffs are more effective with higher risk destination markets, that a large binding overhang may …
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This paper develops a theory of firm selection and growth and embeds it into an international trade framework of balanced growth. I assume that firm-level growth is the result of idiosyncratic productivity improvements while there is continuous arrival of new potential producers. Firms can also...
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This paper introduces the concept of a steepest ascent tariff reform for a small open economy. By construction, it is locally optimal in that it yields the highest gain in utility of any feasible tariff reform vector of the same length. Accordingly, it provides a convenient benchmark for the...
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We demonstrate that durable MFN tariff elimination affects trade patterns through several layers, and magnitudes of effects are sizable. The WTO Information Technology Agreement's (ITA) unique setting allows us to overcome the challenges associated with identifying effects of non-discriminatory...
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