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We use the Kalman filter to estimate the structure of the secret currency basket of the renminbi based on daily data between 2005 and 2009. The currency weights of selected currencies are modeled as stochastic processes (random walks). The official announcement of the new exchange rate regime in...
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conditions, credit default and bank capitalization for the transmission of macroeconomic shocks. We fit the model to euro area … empirical literature, i.e. the pro-cyclicality of bank profitability and the counter-cyclical response of firm default rates and …
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intensifies. We find that the better the institutions and the more competitive the banking sector, the higher the bank's incentive …
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The paper models the interaction between risk taking in the financial sector and central bank policy for the case of pure illiquidity risk. It is shown that, when bad states are highly unlikely, public provision of liquidity may improve the allocation, even though it encourages more risk taking...
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resort policy. In addition, we analyse the impact of equity requirements and narrow banking, in the sense that banks are …
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This brief exposition suggests that the Federal Reserve System temporarily guarantee a lower bound on stock prices in order to escape the current combination of liquidity trap and credit crunch. It shortly discusses reasons for this measure, consequences, and some alternatives. It is meant as a...
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We use a unique dataset to estimate the impact of a large credit supply shock on employment in Spain. We exploit marked differences in banks' health at the onset of the Great Recession. Several weak banks were rescued by the State and they reduced credit more than other banks. We compare...
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We exploit historical and contemporaneous variation in local credit markets across Russia to identify the impact of credit constraints on firm-level innovation. We find that access to bank credit helps firms to adopt existing products and production processes that are new to them. They introduce...
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We examine the impact of various dimensions of financial reform on the likelihood of systemic and non-systemic banking … 2002, our multivariate probit modeling results suggest that conditional on adequate banking supervision, certain dimensions …
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The paper analyzes a very stylized model of crises and demonstrates how the degree of strategic complementarity in the actions of investors is a critical determinant of fragility. It is shown how the balance sheet composition of a financial intermediary, parameters of the information structure...
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