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It is a well known fact that economic development and distance to the equator are positively correlated variables in the world today. It is perhaps less well known that as recently as 1500 C.E. it was the other way around. The present paper provides a theory of why the “latitude gradient”...
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This paper investigates Becker, Hornung and Woessmann's recent claim that education had an important causal effect on … problems, notably the omission of relevant variables which leads to serious bias in the estimated effect of education. When … these problems are corrected, the conclusions of Becker, Hornung and Woessmann no longer hold. Education did not play an …
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We propose an innovation-driven growth model in which education is determined by family background and cognitive … ability. We show that compulsory schooling can move a society from elite education to mass education, which then triggers …, compulsory education is implemented first and triggers the onset of market R&D. According to the British way, market R&D is …
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The perpetual inventory method used for the construction of education data per country leads to systematic measurement … education level between census data and observations constructed from enrolment data. We discuss a methodology for correcting …
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incentives to educate. A key feature of our model is that education acts simultaneously as a signaling device and as a method for …
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of education, inequality, and (natural) resources. We highlight two contrasting effects of education and human capital … accumulation. On the one side, education prompts economic growth and enriches the budget of the autocratic elite. On the other side …, education increases the “awareness” of citizens - capturing their reluctance to accept a dictatorship and their labor …
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Protestant economic history of Becker and Woessmann (2009), where Protestantism first led to better education, which in turn … explanation, where a Protestant work ethic first led to industrialization which then increased the demand for education …
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In this model of education, where individuals are exposed both to educational risk and to wage risk within the skilled … enhancing the quality of education. The necessary expenditures are optimally financed by regressive tuition fees and the net …
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The paper analyzes a very stylized model of crises and demonstrates how the degree of strategic complementarity in the actions of investors is a critical determinant of fragility. It is shown how the balance sheet composition of a financial intermediary, parameters of the information structure...
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Leaving the parental home is often a decision made together by two people. In this paper we present a theoretical model analyzing moving out as a joint decision and then test its implications using a new dataset of university graduates collected in the southern Spanish region of Murcia in...
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