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The paper reexamines the welfare economics of intergenerational risk. Risk and its resolution over time are modeled as … uncertain benefits of future generations; as time passes, the planner observes the realized shocks and becomes more informed … preferences to (i) disentangle aversion to intergenerational inequality from aversion to risk, (ii) exhibit a preference for early …
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-form expressions of welfare loss from shocks and epistemological uncertainty identify the interaction of (intertemporal) risk attitude … comparable to numeric models used in policy advising. Uncertainty surrounding climate change remains large. The closed …, distributional moments, and the climatic shadow values. Welfare gains from reducing uncertainty about temperature feedbacks are much …
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risk preferences. Here, we develop an analogous tool for choice under uncertainty – the ambiguity triangle – and show that …
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Does increased policy uncertainty dampen investment plans of firms? We provide direct evidence on this question by … induced policy uncertainty have revised their investment plans differently from those that did not perceive an increase in … uncertainty. We find strong evidence that an increase in policy uncertainty does lead firms to reduce their investment plans. As …
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scientific uncertainty about the effects of increased greenhouse gas concentrations on climate. Criticisms of this controversial …
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We study the importance of uncertainty and public finance to the welfare ranking of three environmental policy … revenues finance public abatement. When the main source of uncertainty is economic, the most efficient recipe is to levy … pollution taxes and use the collected tax revenues to finance public abatement. However, when environmental uncertainty is the …
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distance-related migration costs cannot explain the lower distance sensitivity of educated and risk-loving individuals …Why are better educated and more risk-friendly persons more mobile across regions? To answer this question, we use … patterns. Our findings indicate that risk-loving and skilled people are more mobile over longer distances because they are more …
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How does risk affect saving? Empirical work typically examines the effects of detectible differences in risk within the … data. How these differences affect saving in theoretical models depends on the metric one uses for risk. For labor …-income risk, second-degree increases in risk require prudence to induce increased saving demand. However, prudence is not …
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Although risk aversion has been used in economic models for over 275 years, the past few decades have shown how higher … order risk attitudes are also quite important. A behavioral approach to defining such risk attitudes was developed by … lattices can be extended in order to develop a better understanding of higher order risk attitudes …
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Under conditions of risk it makes a difference whether the discount rate is determined as an expected present or as an …
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