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This paper reviews the most significant recent developments in the theory of trade agreements. The paper offers an … integrated approach to evaluating trade agreements, and uses the approach to present results on preferential and multilateral … trade agreements. The paper identifies also several questions for further research. …
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This paper examines the rationale for the rules on domestic subsidies in international trade agreements through a … curtailed by a trade agreement that binds tariffs only. We refer to this as the policy substitution problem. When factors of … credibly commit vis-à-vis the domestic lobby unless the trade agreement also regulates production subsidies, thus addressing …
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The proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is the most significant trade policy initiative … since the Uruguay Round (1986 to 1994). It would create a free trade zone covering 45% of world GDP. However, critics … estimated general equilibrium trade model. Assuming that the TTIP will reduce transatlantic trade costs by as much as existing …
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In a seminal paper, Rose (2004) found that the assumed positive impact of the WTO on international trade was … and separating the WTO from other forms of trade agreements. A key characteristic of this literature is the rather … simplistic way in which trade agreements are treated whereby all trade agreements are lumped together. Trade agreements come …
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Why do governments sign services trade agreements? This paper focuses on the role of international agreements in the … context of trade in services when services are used as intermediate inputs in downstream industries. Compared to goods …, services inputs are mostly non-tradeable and complementary to other factors of production. We build a theoretical trade policy …
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This paper demonstrates that international ownership can mitigate the terms of trade externalities that lead large … terms of trade cost-shifting motives cannot ensure efficient trade policy regimes in an environment with international …
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This paper examines the rationale for the rules on domestic subsidies in international trade agreements through a … curtailed by a trade agreement that binds tariffs only. We refer to this as the policy substitution problem. When factors of … credibly commit vis-à-vis the domestic lobby unless the trade agreement also regulates production subsidies, thus addressing …
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Gravity equations have been used for more than 50 years to estimate ex post the partial effects of trade costs on … international trade flows, and the well-known -- and traditionally presumed exogenous -- “trade-cost elasticity” plays a central … role in computing general equilibrium trade-flow and welfare effects of trade-cost changes. This paper addresses …
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of subregional and bilateral trade agreements. This paper analyzes the recent trends and patterns and nature of regional … trade and cooperation agreements (RTCAs) in Asia and associated problems and prospects. It also attempts to understand the … for the emergence of new regional trade in blocs of several subregional groupings …
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We develop a new theoretical framework of trade agreement (TA) formation, called a ‘parallel contest', that emphasizes … anti- and pro-trade interest groups contest each other to influence their own governments' ratification decision. Unlike … are not internalized by governments that just internalize terms of trade externalities …
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