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In a continuous-time framework we study the technology and investment choice problem of a continuous co … flexible technology allowing for such option. Investment is irreversible and flexibility is costly. The problem is solved … determining in the light of future prospects the optimal revision and then playing backward fixing the investment timing rule …
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tax audits, and simplified estimates of capital tax bases in investment models. Uncertain returns on investment as well as … stochastic taxation contribute to overall uncertainty and may significantly affect investment decisions. Hitherto, it is unknown … how capital tax uncertainty affects investment timing. However, it is well known that both uncertainty and capital tax may …
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The paper studies the interaction between cyclical uncertainty and investment in a stochastic real option framework … of the link between cyclical uncertainty and investment is quantified using simulations of the model. The chief …
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We study a classic mechanism design problem: How to organize trade between two privately informed parties. We characterize an optimal mechanism under selfish preferences and present experimental evidence that, under such a mechanism, a non-negligible fraction of individuals deviates from the...
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We summarise our two sets of controlled experiments designed to see if single-sex classes within coeducational environments modify students’ risk-taking attitudes. In Booth and Nolen (2012b), subjects are in years 10 and 11, while in Booth, Cardona-Sosa and Nolen (2014), they are first-year...
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Trust games are employed to investigate the effect of heterogeneity in income and race on cooperation in South Africa. The amount of socio-economic information available to the subjects about their counterparts is varied. No significant behavioural differences are observed, when no such...
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implications of the theory literature on this topic in an empirical study of the US cement industry between 1994 and 2006. Firms in … these markets via both domestic production and imports. Consistent with the theory, we find a negative relationship between …
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In psychological games, higher-order beliefs, emotions, and motives - in addition to actions - affect players' payoffs. Suppose you are invited to a party, movie, dinner, etc not because your company is desired but because the inviter would feel guilty if she did not invite you. In all of these...
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We analyze Nash equilibria of share and probabilistic contests when players have distributional preferences. If players are sufficiently similar, distributional preferences create multiple equilibria. For the case of only mildly heterogeneous players, equilibrium effort can be lower as well as...
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We analyze equilibria of two-player contests where players have intention-based preferences. We find that players invest more effort compared to the case with selfish preferences and are even willing to exert effort when the monetary value of the prize converges to zero. As a consequence,...
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