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Mathematics and Spanish test scores. To be able to test the theory, I develop a novel nonlinear difference-in-differences model …
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We describe a dynamic model of costly information sharing, where private information affecting collective-value actions is transmitted by social proximity. Individuals make voluntary contributions towards the provision of a pure public good, and information transmission about quality of...
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countries with less secure property rights. The theory suggests that adjusted net saving estimates calculated by the World Bank …
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Traditional economic models of vaccination behavior simply assume that agents free-ride on the vaccination decisions of others. We provide three different models of private provision of a public good, such as a joint production model and a conjectural variation model, to explain how a positive...
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Democratic societies are challenged by various violent and organized groups, be they terrorists, gangs or organized hooligans. In exchange for offering an identity, leaders in such groups typically require members to be violent. We introduce a simple model to capture these stylized facts, and...
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Consider a setting in which several groups of individuals with common interests (clubs) compete with each other for recognition by other individuals. Depending on the context, recognition may be expressed by these other individuals joining a club, or choosing one club to admire. Clubs compete by...
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The present paper analyzes situations in which groups compete for rents. A major result in the literature has been that there are both cases where larger groups have advantages and cases where they have disadvantages. The paper provides two intuitive criteria which for groups with homogenous...
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We show that team formation can serve as an implicit commitment device to overcome problems of self-control. In a … harder is credible because the team breaks up after an agent has not kept this promise – which leads to individual (under …, the performance of a team of present-biased agents can actually be better than the performance of a team of time …
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observable. A team incentive scheme, where each agent is paid a bonus for aggregate output above a threshold, is optimal in case … (a). The team's efficiency may increase considerably with size if outputs are negatively correlated. Under (b) a … performance. The two cases reveal that it may be optimal to organize production as a team where only aggregate output is …
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Team production is a frequent feature of modern organizations. Combined with team incentives, team production can … create externalities among workers, since their utility upon accepting a contract depends on their team's performance and …
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