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This paper deals with the effects of labour market institutions on unemployment in a panel of 19 OECD countries for the … of the unemployment rate. Our novel contribution is the estimation of panel models where we allow for heterogeneous … effects of institutions on unemployment. Our main results are that on the average a tighter employment protection, a higher …
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The introduction of firm size into labor search models raises the question how wages are set when average and marginal product differ. We develop and analyze an alternative to the existing bargaining framework: Firms compete for labor by publicly posting long–term contracts. In such a...
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construction sector triggered by fast rising property prices hindered France to meet world export demand vis-à-vis its products …
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We build an analytically and computationally tractable stochastic equilibrium model of unemployment in heterogeneous … countercyclical unemployment, and is simultaneously consistent with procyclical reallocation, countercyclical separations and a … negatively-sloped Beveridge curve. Moreover, the model exhibits unemployment duration dependence, which (when calibrated to long …
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Efficiency wages theories argue that the threat of firing, coupled with a high unemployment rate, is a mechanism that … discourages employee shirking in asymmetric information contexts. Our empirical analysis aims to verify the role of unemployment …, we investigate the relationship between worker’s absences and local unemployment rate (at the provincial level). We find …
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Unemployment Benefits II, do not benefit from a minimum wage at all. Comparing the effects of a minimum wage with different types …
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Even before the Great Recession, U.S. employment growth was unimpressive. Between 2000 and 2007, the economy gave back the considerable employment gains achieved during the 1990s, with a historic contraction in manufacturing employment being a prime contributor to the slump. We estimate that...
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various performance indicators (unemployment, long-term unemployment, employment, activity rate). Our results confirm that … high taxes increase unemployment, while active labour market policies tend to reduce it. We also show that stricter …
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We use a unique dataset to estimate the impact of a large credit supply shock on employment in Spain. We exploit marked differences in banks' health at the onset of the Great Recession. Several weak banks were rescued by the State and they reduced credit more than other banks. We compare...
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The path breaking work of Card and Krueger (1993), showing higher minimum wage can increase employment turned the age-old conventional wisdom on its head. This paper demonstrates that this apparently paradoxical result is perfectly plausible in a competitive general equilibrium production...
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