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We estimate the fiscal multiplier associated with shocks to government spending. We consider increases in government spending in the U.S. states in the wake of natural disasters to capture spending shocks that are both unexpected and unrelated to the preceding state of the economy. We find that...
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-skill premium. We next find that vacancy subsidies for skilled and unskilled jobs lead to output multipliers which are greater than …
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spending multipliers in the decade surrounding the Great Recession. We find average multipliers that are similar to those that … cumulative multipliers were around 2 in the impact quarter, but declined to less than 1 after one year. Second, implied relative … multipliers ranged between 0 and more than 4 across states at particular points in time, as well as for the same state at …
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multiplier; (ii) positive long-run output multipliers are obtained only if the generational turnover effect is dominated by the … intertemporal labor supply effect; (iii) short-run output multipliers under lump-sum tax financing are smaller than long-run output … multipliers if labor supply is elastic; and (iv) bond financing reduces the size of long-run output multipliers as compared to …
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In this note we elaborate on the effect of the modeling choice of the zero lower bound on the size of the fiscal multiplier. To this end we contrast two different ways to implement the ZLB in a New Keynesian model: the ZLB modeled as an endogenous central bank reaction to a contractionary demand...
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The literature on estimating macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy requires suitable instruments to identify exogenous and unanticipated spending shocks. So far, the instrument of choice has been military build-ups. This instrument, however, largely limits the analysis to the US as few other...
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This paper proposes a very general time series framework to capture the long-run behaviour of financial series. The suggested model includes linear and non-linear time trends, and stationary and nonstationary processes based on integer and/or fractional degrees of differentiation. Moreover, the...
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taxation on cycles and local stability of equilibria. We show that under proportional taxation there is a critical tax rate … above which cycles will vanish, while in the case of linearly progressive taxation there is a critical level of exemption … below which cycles will vanish as well. Hence, a sufficiently high tax rate and a low tax progression eliminate cycles. If …
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The HP filter is the most popular filter for extracting the trend and cycle components from an observed time series. Many researchers consider the smoothing parameter ë = 1600 as something like an universal constant. It is well known that the HP filter is an optimal filter under some...
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subject to cycles in which capital, output and employment vary in fixed proportion. These increase through saving and capital …
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