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For forecasting and economic analysis many variables are used in logarithms (logs). In time series analysis this transformation is often considered to stabilize the variance of a series. We investigate under which conditions taking logs is beneficial for forecasting. Forecasts based on the...
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extensive margin when data contain only positive trade flows. We also control for the pervasive presence of heteroscedasticity … heteroscedasticity bias is large and important …
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(VAR) analysis. A number of different models for heteroskedasticity or conditional heteroskedasticity are proposed and used … drawbacks. It thereby enables researchers wishing to use identification of structural VAR models via heteroskedasticity to make …
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In this paper we specify a linear Cliff and Ord-type spatial model. The model allows for spatial lags in the dependent variable, the exogenous variables, and disturbances. The innovations in the disturbance process are assumed to be heteroskedastic with an unknown form. We formulate a multi-step...
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unknown heteroskedasticity in the innovations. We first generalize the generalized moments (GM) estimator suggested in …
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mechanism and multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models. Using changes in volatility …
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reductions, even under mild heteroskedasticity. Feasible MGMM implementations and their standard error estimates are examined and …
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panel data models with spatial autoregressive disturbances and heteroskedasticity of unknown form in the idiosyncratic error … heteroskedasticity of unknown form in the idiosyncratic error component. Finally, we derive a robust Hausman-test of the spatial random …
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This paper investigates the robustness of determinants of economic growth in the presence of model uncertainty, parameter heterogeneity and outliers. The robust model averaging approach introduced in the paper uses a flexible and parsimonious mixture modeling that allows for fat-tailed errors...
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unknown heteroskedasticity in the innovations. We first generalize the generalized moments (GM) estimator suggested in …
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