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We consider optimal monetary policy in a model that integrates credit frictions in the standard New Keynesian model with sticky prices and wages as well as adjustment costs of capital. Different from traditional models with credit frictions such as Carlstrom and Fuerst (1998), the model is able...
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Monetary policy shocks have a large impact on aggregate stock market returns in narrow event windows around press releases by the Federal Open Market Committee. We use spatial autoregressions to decompose the overall effect of monetary policy shocks into a direct (demand) effect and an indirect...
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The frequency with which firms adjust output prices helps explain persistent differences in capital structure across firms. Unconditionally, the most exible-price firms have a 19% higher long-term leverage ratio than the most sticky-price firms, controlling for known determinants of capital...
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It has been noted that the search and matching model cannot account for the observed unemployment fluctuations. Gertler …
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In a multi-country general equilibrium economy with mobile capital and rigid-wage unemployment, countries may differ in … conditions under which - in contrast to free trade with undistorted labor markets - welfare declines and unemployment increases …
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downward rigidity, and magnifying the response of unemployment to negative shocks. We also consider layoffs and show that for a …
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equilibrium model of wage dynamics and unemployment. The model is developed under the assumption of worker mobility, so that … Beaudry and DiNardo (1991). We solve for the dynamics of wages and unemployment, and show that real wages do not necessarily … to match actual unemployment and wage series. We also show that equal treatment follows in our model from the assumption …
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, causing both unemployment and excessive value added in exports. Moreover, excessive wages induce too much outsourcing of …
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We introduce search and matching unemployment into a model of trade with differentiated goods and heterogeneous firms …
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. Furthermore, they fail to allow for quantity rationing and to model unemployment as a catastrophic event. The macroeconomics based …
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