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financial volatility. Uncertainty shocks hitting in recessions are found to trigger a more abrupt drop and a faster recovery in …
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, the effect on inflation is not significantly different from zero. This suggests that while the Japanese Quantitative … Easing experiment was successful in stimulating real activity in the shortrun, it did not lead to any increase in inflation …
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and inflation in the member countries. Stress in a country is defined as the difference between the country's actual short …
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conclude that monetary policy shocks were not the major driver of output, inflation, or interest rates during the Great …
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direct forecasts when estimation error is a first-order concern, i.e. in small samples and for long forecast horizons …
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We employ a parsimonious nonlinear Interacted-VAR to examine whether the real effects of uncertainty shocks are greater when the economy is at the ZeroLower Bound. We find the contractionary effects of uncertainty shocks to be statistically larger when the ZLB is binding, with differences that...
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;Great Moderationquot; can be found in firm level data as well remains disputed. We study the evolution of firm level output volatility … trends in unconditional firm level and aggregated output volatility in Germany are similar. There has been a long …-run downward trend, which was interrupted by the unification period. Second, the conditional, idiosyncratic firm level volatility …
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, output volatility, and economic growth, using a large cross-section of 88 countries over the period 1960 to 2004 … results: First, both pro- and countercyclical fiscal policy amplify output volatility, much in a way like pure fiscal shocks … that are unrelated to the cycle. Second, output volatility, due to variations in cyclical and discretionary fiscal policy …
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We estimate a Markow-switching dynamic factor model with three states based on six leading business cycle indicators for Germany preselected from a broader set using the Elastic Net soft-thresholding rule. The three states represent expansions, normal recessions and severe recessions. We show...
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A growing literature uses changes in residual volatility for identifying structural shocks in vector autoregressive … in applications in this context. This study reviews the different volatility models and points out their advantages and …
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