Showing 1 - 10 of 358
Structural econometric methods are often criticized for being sensitive to functional form assumptions. We study parametric estimators of the local average treatment effect (LATE) derived from a widely used class of latent threshold crossing models and show they yield LATE estimates...
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This paper shows that import exposure affects voting behavior because it affects local labor markets. We develop a new framework for mediation analysis where one instrumental variable is sufficient to identify three causal effects. Using German data from 1987–2009, we find that import exposure...
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We show that an insight from taxation theory allows identification of both the supply and demand elasticities with only … one instrument. Ramsey (1928) and subsequent models of taxation assume that a tax levied on the demand side only affects … demand through the price after taxation. Econometrically, we show that this assumption functions as an additional exclusion …
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This paper provides an introduction into the estimation of Marginal Treatment Effects (MTE). Compared to the existing surveys on the subject, our paper is less technical and speaks to the applied economist with a solid basic understanding of econometric techniques who would like to use MTE...
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We provide simple tests for selection on unobserved variables in the Vytlacil-Imbens-Angrist framework for Local Average Treatment Effects. The tests allow researchers not only to test for selection on either or both of the treated and untreated outcomes, but also to assess the magnitude of the...
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study the correlation of the estimated parameters and markups with the firm-level productivity growth. Second, the paper … contributes to literature on the structural identification of production functions in two ways. As a first step, it reviews the … price, and the collinearity among input factors of production. Additionally, we propose an identification strategy that …
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applicable in circumstances with weak serial correlation. A simulation experiment and an empirical application from … macroeconomics underscore the importance of taking care of serial correlation. We find that the conventional variances are too …
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This paper extends the Common Correlated Effects (CCE) approach developed by Pesaran (2006) to heterogeneous panel data models with lagged dependent variable and/or weakly ex-ogenous regressors. We show that the CCE mean group estimator continues to be valid but the following two conditions must...
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An important issue in the analysis of cross-sectional dependence which has received renewed interest in the past few years is the need for a better understanding of the extent and nature of such cross dependencies. In this paper we focus on measures of cross-sectional dependence and how such...
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-connected information sources, implying a pattern of “overshooting” beliefs. Additionally, in an experimental asset market, correlation …
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