Showing 1 - 10 of 437
and the pure time discount rate, there is distributional neutrality between the two periods. Otherwise, changes of risk …
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We show how optimal saving in a two-period model is affected when prudence and risk aversion of the underlying utility … and the pure time discount rate, there is distributional neutrality between the two periods. Otherwise, changes of risk …
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We study markets for perishable goods with search frictions. Sellers have a single unit of a good and post prices in every period. Buyers engage in costly search to observe prices and match values. In equilibrium trade starts endogenously and the volume of trade increases over time. Under mild...
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We use data on insurance deductible choices to estimate a structural model of risky choice that incorporates 'standard …' risk aversion (diminishing marginal utility for wealth) and probability distortions. We find that probability distortions … important role in explaining the aversion to risk manifested in deductible choices. This finding is robust to allowing for …
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The paper reexamines the welfare economics of intergenerational risk. Risk and its resolution over time are modeled as … preferences to (i) disentangle aversion to intergenerational inequality from aversion to risk, (ii) exhibit a preference for early … resolution of risk, (iii) show different discounting formulas depending on the magnitude of risk and on the timing of its …
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-form expressions of welfare loss from shocks and epistemological uncertainty identify the interaction of (intertemporal) risk attitude …
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risk preferences. Here, we develop an analogous tool for choice under uncertainty – the ambiguity triangle – and show that …
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Does increased policy uncertainty dampen investment plans of firms? We provide direct evidence on this question by examining the effects of an unexpectedly accepted and farreaching referendum in Switzerland in February 2014. The vote has put several economically relevant agreements between...
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Recent theoretical work in the economics of climate change has suggested that climate policy is highly sensitive to ‘fat-tailed’ risks of catastrophic outcomes (Weitzman, 2009b). Such risks are suggested to be an inevitable consequence of scientific uncertainty about the effects of increased...
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We study the importance of uncertainty and public finance to the welfare ranking of three environmental policy instruments: pollution taxes, pollution permits and Kyoto-like numerical rules for emissions. The setup is the basic stochastic neoclassical growth model augmented with the assumptions...
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