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children with lower (observed and unobserved) gains are more likely to select into child care than children with higher gains …. This pattern of reverse selection on gains is driven by unobserved family background characteristics: children from … disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely to attend child care than children from advantaged backgrounds but have larger treatment …
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What happens to children's long-run cognitive development when introducing universal high-quality childcare for 3-year … difference-in-difference approach. We find sizable improvements in children's reading and math skills at age 15, as well as in … grade progression during primary and secondary school. Effects are driven by girls and disadvantaged children …
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This paper adds to the literature on extracurricular early childhood education and child development by exploiting unique data on an educational project in Germany, the Junior University (JU). Utilizing a quasi-experimental study design, we estimate the causal short-run effect of JU enrollment...
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Recent analyses of intergenerational mobility show that investments in children pay big dividends. The priority of …
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's counterfactual work behavior. We show that extending parental leave has significant positive effects on children's health and human …
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environments across the two areas, we find remarkably consistent results: in families with two or more children, second-born boys … the evidence rules out differences in health at birth and the quality of schools chosen for children. We do find that …
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generating large temporal and spatial variation in child care coverage for children under the age of three. Our precise and …
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Previous studies report a wide range of estimates for how female labor supply responds to childcare prices. We shed new light on this question using a reform that raised the prices of public daycare. Parents respond by reducing public daycare and increasing childcare at home. Parents also reduce...
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that a public policy that disregards the effects of parental time on children's human capital entails a welfare loss that …
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indicate that mothers are in a worse physical condition if their children attend formal care, whereas no such effect is found … with regard to mothers’ mental health. Overall, there is evidence that mothers placing their children in formal day care …
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