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This paper develops a theory of firm selection and growth and embeds it into an international trade framework of balanced growth. I assume that firm-level growth is the result of idiosyncratic productivity improvements while there is continuous arrival of new potential producers. Firms can also...
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The paper investigates dynamic linkages between entry and exit rates in Brazilian manufacturing in the context of 231 (4-digits) industries during the 1996-2005 period. The empirical analysis focuses on the estimation of a dynamic panel data for entry and exit rates and controls for the business...
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In many countries entrepreneurship is promoted through tax reductions for small businesses and by various government support schemes. We analyze the effects of such policies to subsidize small businesses in a setting where both the risk-return characteristics of the selected innovation project...
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We estimate by means of indirect inference a structural economic model where firms' exit and investment decisions are the solution to a discrete-continuous dynamic programming problem. In the model the exit probability depends on the current capital stock and a measure of short-run...
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Job creation is one of the most important aspects of entrepreneurship, but we know relatively little about the hiring patterns and decisions of startups. Longitudinal data from the Integrated Longitudinal Business Database (iLBD), Kauffman Firm Survey (KFS), and the Growing America through...
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effects of Stasi spying, resulting in lower self-employment, higher unemployment and larger out-migration throughout the 1990s …
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Immigrants are widely perceived as being highly entrepreneurial and important for economic growth and innovation. This is reflected in immigration policies and many developed countries have created special visas and entry requirements in an attempt to attract immigrant entrepreneurs. Not...
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We examine immigrant entrepreneurship and the survival and growth of immigrant-founded businesses over time relative to native-founded companies. Our work quantifies immigrant contributions to new firm creation in a wide variety of fields and using multiple definitions. While significant...
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conditions are a major determinant of entrepreneurship. Higher local unemployment rates are found to increase the probability … individuals who are initially not employed respond more to high local unemployment rates by starting businesses than wage … influences resulting in higher levels of business creation. Using the regression estimates for the local unemployment rate …
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This paper studies the effect of Finnish tax reforms in the mid 1990s on the economic activity and tax avoidance decisions of the owners of small businesses. The reforms reduced income tax rates and increased tax planning incentives for small business owners. They applied only to unincorporated...
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