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liquidity risk and characterizes them. Both a solvency (leverage) and a liquidity ratio are required to control the … fund managers are more conservative the liquidity requirement has to be strengthened while the solvency one relaxed. Higher … financial intermediary is opaque) and, correspondingly, liquidity requirements should be tightened. The model is applied to …
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(fall) and liquidity falls (increases) buy (sell) orders tend to prevail. Risk-averse market-makers, with inventory … documents the existence of an asymmetric relationship between market liquidity and trading imbalances: when quoted spreads rise …-depletion risk being their main concern, tend to quote wider (narrower) spreads when they think bond appreciation is more (less …
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We consider a two-period market with persistent liquidity trading and risk averse privately informed investors who have … a one period horizon. With persistence, prices reflect average expectations about fundamentals and liquidity trading … equilibria which can be ranked in terms of liquidity, volatility, and informational efficiency. We establish the limits of the …
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We investigate the dynamics of prices, information and expectations in a competitive, noisy, dynamic asset pricing equilibrium model with long-term investors. We argue that the fact that prices can score worse or better than consensus opinion in predicting the fundamentals is a product of...
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This paper proposes a new double-question survey method that elicits information about how individuals subjective belief valuations are compared and related to their price expectations. An individual respondent is presented with two sets of questions, one that asks about his/her belief regarding...
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boom yields consistently positive excess returns. This excess return compensates for the risk of high negative returns in … countries on risk aversion, and low (high) risk aversion currencies depreciate (appreciate) in times of global turmoil …
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We study a competitive model in which market incompleteness implies that debt-financed firms may default in some states of nature and default may lead to the sale of the firms' assets at fire sale prices when markets are illiquid. This incompleteness is the only friction in the model and the...
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allocations and discuss implications for credit risk modeling …
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We study sovereign bond yields in OECD countries with a dynamic panel by checking for cross-section dependence; assessing panel cointegration; and estimating panel error-correction models. The results show that markets consider budgetary and external imbalances and inflation as relevant...
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-sectional fit of the yield curve. Second, we find that financial shocks, either in the form of liquidity or risk premium shocks …, additional liquidity-related and return forecasting factors. Liquidity factors are obtained from a decomposition of the TED … spread while the return-forecasting (risk premium) factor is extracted by imposing a single factor structure on the one …
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