Showing 1 - 10 of 28
This paper provides an overview of recent research on dual labour markets. Theoretical and empirical contributions on the labour-market effects of dual employment protection legislation are revisited, as well as factors behind its resilience and policies geared towards correcting its negative...
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Long-term unemployment reached unprecedented levels in Spain in the wake of the Great Recession and it still affects around 57% of the unemployed. We document the sources that contributed to the rise in long-term unemployment and analyze its persistence using state-of-the-art duration models. We...
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This paper analyzes the strikingly different response of unemployment to the Great Recession in France and Spain. Their labor market institutions are similar and their unemployment rates just before the crisis were both around 8%. Yet, in France, unemployment rate has increased by 2 percentage...
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This paper presents a case study on reforming a very dysfunctional labor market with a deep insider-outsider divide, namely the Spanish case. We show how a dual market, with permanent and temporary employees makes real reform much harder, and leads to purely marginal changes that do not alter...
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Am 1. Januar 2017 feiert das Elterngeld sein zehnjähriges Bestehen. Gleichwohl die Einführung von einigen Diskussionen begleitet war, ist es inzwischen eine familienpolitische Leistung mit hoher Akzeptanz. Ihre Wirkung auf die Erwerbstätigkeit der Eltern, die partnerschaftliche...
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Die Reform des Elterngeldes hat nicht dazu geführt, dass Ungleichheiten in der kindlichen Entwicklung zunehmen. Das zeigt die vorliegende Studie des DIW Berlin, die als eine der ersten anhand der Ergebnisse von Schuleingangsuntersuchungen der Frage nachgeht, welche Effekte die Einführung des...
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Der Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes ist für Arbeitnehmer meist mit erheblichen negativen Folgen verbunden - dies gilt umso mehr, wenn von den Auswirkungen Familien betroffen sind. Dabei ist nicht nur die finanzielle Situation von Bedeutung: Auch die Entwicklung der Kinder kann beeinflusst werden,...
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A job loss has considerable negative consequences for those hit by unemployment. This is all the more relevant if families are affected. It not only relates to a family's financial situation: a mother losing her job can also impact on child development. A study conducted by DIW Berlin using data...
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We use a unique dataset to estimate the impact of a large credit supply shock on employment in Spain. We exploit marked differences in banks ́health at the onset of the Great Recession. Several weak banks were rescued by the State and they reduced credit more than other banks. We compare...
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This paper analyzes the causal impact of dual vocational education and training (VET) on the labor market insertion of youth. Using matched education and social security records, we estimate the causal impact of a major reform that introduced a new dual track, which combines firm- and...
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