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-attributed flood impacts. Here, we use climate change attribution science paired with hydrological flood models to estimate climate … change-attributed flood depths and damages during Hurricane Harvey in Harris County, Texas. We then combine this information …
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Many studies have investigated flood risk and insurance coverage in the 100-year flood zone, but much less is known … about the periphery of the flood zone. We present a new approach to estimate flood risk and insurance take-up in the … hurricane Sandy. We show that flood risk falls rapidly as we move away from the flood zone, but remains fairly high for …
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Using an economic model to assess welfare risk and resilience to disasters, this paper systematically tackles the … questions: 1) How much asset and welfare risks does each region in the Philippines face from riverine flood disasters? 2) How … resilient is each region to riverine flood disasters? and 3) What are the available interventions per region to strengthen …
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-2017, we estimate the price effects of three flood risk signals: 1) the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act, which …
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We present a theory of the demand for flood insurance and empirically analyze the effects of the adoption of Risk … financial exposure to flood risk. … the flood zone and its periphery. The reform had highly heterogeneous effects on insurance costs and triggered adjustments …
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We measure the longer-term effect of a major earthquake on the local economy, using night-time light intensity measured from space, and investigate whether insurance claim payments for damaged residential property affected the local recovery process. We focus on the destructive Canterbury...
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The Pacific Islands face the highest disaster risk, in per capita terms, globally. Examples of catastrophic events in … analysing the applicability of various financial instruments to facilitate both ex-ante and ex-post disaster risk management in … magnitude. We first evaluate the three main sources quantifying risk in the region: EMDAT, Desinventar, and PCRAFI. We describe …
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This paper studies whether private adaptation to flood risk is economically efficient. We estimate the return to … the universe of houses and flood damages in high-risk flood zones in the Atlantic and Gulf Coast United States. We find … that undertaking adaptation is socially optimal in the highest risk areas over a house's lifetime, but that individual …
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disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation in Bangladesh, a country with a very high exposure to weather risk. We use a … comprehensive dataset for the 483 subdistricts (Upazilas) in Bangladesh, tracking disaster risk reduction and adaptation funding … allocation decisions. We find that flood hazard risk and socio-economic vulnerability are both positively correlated with the sub …
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of natural disaster insurance in adapting to climate change. This chapter reviews current challenges in both public and … private natural disaster insurance markets in the United States and how the nature of these challenges has changed over the … complicate both the supply of and demand for natural disaster insurance, with spillovers to related markets such as real estate …
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