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. France and Flemish Belgium achieve the most equitable performance for students from different family backgrounds, and Britain …
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The paper analyzes the relationship between career path characteristics of civil servants and their career success. Following a description of the institutional setting and some qualitative evidence on typical paths to the top, we use data that follows the careers of all Swedish civil servants...
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Teachers differ greatly in how much they teach their students, but little is known about which teacher attributes …-teacher within-student variation, exploiting a unique Peruvian 6th-grade dataset that tested both students and their teachers in two …
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argue that low-achieving students may be particularly affected by the lack of educator support during school closures. We … collect detailed time-use information on students before and during the school closures in a survey of 1,099 parents in … Germany. We find that while students on average reduced their daily learning time of 7.4 hours by about half, the reduction …
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college choices. Students with high-educated parents change timing, colleges, and fields in ways that appear consistent with … basic economic theory. In contrast, very talented students with low-educated parents react to higher scores by increasing … programs and institutions that they could have attended even with a lower score. This suggests that students with low …
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The general-equilibrium effects of performance-related teacher pay include long-term incentive and teacher-sorting mechanisms that usually elude experimental studies but are captured in cross-country comparisons. Combining country-level performance-pay measures with rich PISA-2003 international...
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Expanded international data from the PIAAC survey of adult skills allow us to analyze potential sources of the cross-country variation of comparably estimated labor-market returns to skills in a more diverse set of 32 countries. Returns to skills are systematically larger in countries that have...
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The trade-off between child quantity and education is a crucial ingredient of unified growth models that explain the transition from Malthusian stagnation to modern growth. We present first evidence that such a trade-off indeed existed before the demographic transition, exploiting a unique...
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Policy debates about the balance of vocational and general education programs focus on the school-to-work transition. But with rapid technological change, gains in youth employment from vocational education may be offset by less adaptability and thus diminished employment later in life. To test...
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effect of private-school competition on students’ entrepreneurial intentions. We exploit Catholic-Church resistance to state … instrumental-variable results suggest that a 10 percentage-point higher private-school share raises students’ entrepreneurial … shares, students’ academic skills, and parents’ entrepreneurial occupation. -- private school competition ; entrepreneurship …
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