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We characterize the unique Markov perfect equilibrium of a tug-of-war without exogenous noise, in which players have the opportunity to engage in a sequence of battles in an attempt to win the war. Each battle is an all-pay auction in which the player expending the greater resources wins. In...
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Modelle und Methoden der Theorie der Industrieökonomik. Es ist sowohl als vorlesungsbegleitendes Lehrbuch wie auch zum …
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Methoden der Theorie der Industrieökonomik. Es ist sowohl als vorlesungsbegleitendes Lehrbuch wie auch zum Selbststudium …
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Das Buch gibt eine grundlegende Einführung in die Modelle und Methoden der Theorie der Industrieökonomik, beschäftigt …
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der modernen Wettbewerbstheorie und Industrieökonomie ermöglicht neue Einsichten bei der wettbewerbspolitischen …
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Agents forming adaptive expectations generally make systematic mistakes. This characterization has fostered the rejection of adaptive expectations in macroeconomics. Experimental evidence, however, shows that in complex environments human subjects frequently rely on adaptive heuristics –...
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We develop a fast, tractable, and robust method for solving the transition path of dynamic rational inattention problems in linear-quadratic-Gaussian settings. As an application of our general framework, we develop an attention-driven theory of dynamic pricing in which the Phillips curve slope...
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This book challenges the generally accepted theories of classical economics, explaining why the expected utility theory, even if it were true, fails to be of much help in solving economic controversies
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This paper experimentally studies the role of associative memory for belief formation. Realworld information signals are often embedded in memorable contexts. Thus, today’s news, and the contexts they are embedded in, may cue the selective retrieval of similar past news and hence contribute to...
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