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unemployment and its duration distribution. Using the SIPP, we document the relation between workers' (gross and net) occupational … mobility and unemployment duration over the long run and business cycle. To interpret this evidence, we develop an analytically … countercyclical net occupational mobility, the large volatility of unemployment and the cyclical properties of the unemployment …
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unemployment-spell. Consequently, our calculations suggest that the steady-state unemployment rate fell by as much as one-fifth. …
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How effective are effort targets? This paper provides novel evidence on the effects of job search requirements on effort provision and labor market outcomes. Based on large-scale register data, we estimate the returns to required job search effort, instrumenting individual requirements with...
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A key question in labor market research is how the unemployment insurance system affects unemployment rates and labor … 76% of declining unemployment after the reform, a fact unexplained by existing research focusing on job finding rates … causally link our empirical findings to the reduction in longterm unemployment benefits using a heterogeneous-agent labor …
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unemployment is high. Using monthly panel data for local labour markets in Sweden we find no (or only weak) evidence that high … unemployment makes it easier to fill vacancies. Instead, there are few vacancies when unemployment is high because there is a low … cyclical behaviour of stocks and flows in the labour market also without search frictions. In periods of high unemployment …
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links both the cyclical fluctuations and the mean level of unemployment to the aggregate business cycle risk. The key result … of the paper is that business cycles are costly for all consumers, regardless of their wealth, yet that unemployment … fluctuations themselves are not the source of these costs. Rather fluctuations over the cycle induce higher average unemployment …
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cycle dynamics of separation and job finding rates and to quantify their contributions to overall unemployment variability …. Cyclical changes in the separation rate lead those of unemployment, while the job finding rate and unemployment move … contemporaneously. Fluctuations in the separation rate explain between 40 and 50 percent of fluctuations in unemployment, depending on …
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We build an analytically and computationally tractable stochastic equilibrium model of unemployment in heterogeneous … countercyclical unemployment, and is simultaneously consistent with procyclical reallocation, countercyclical separations and a … negatively-sloped Beveridge curve. Moreover, the model exhibits unemployment duration dependence, which (when calibrated to long …
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density function with higher density and thereby generate large, asymmetric job-finding rate and unemployment reactions. Our …
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a severe macroeconomic recession with mass unemployment. By the early 1990s, workers on fixed-term contracts accounted …
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