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approach can be applied to estimation of a variety of models such as spatial and dynamic panel data models. In this paper we … focus on the latter and consider both univariate and multivariate panel data models with short time dimension. Simple Bias …
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This paper considers the problem of identification, estimation and inference in the case of spatial panel data models …
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the estimation of long-run effects in dynamic heterogeneous panel data models with cross-sectionally dependent errors. The …
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We assess the link between fiscal sustainability coefficients, namely the responses of the primary government balance and the global government balance to the debt-to-GDP ratio, and the response of government revenues to government expenditures. For 22 OECD developed countries we use annual data...
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This paper considers a first-order autoregressive panel data model with individual-specific effects and a heterogeneous …
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if the time dimension of the panel is as small as the number of its regressors. Extensions to panels with time effects …
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We examine the relationship between inflation and fiscal sustainability with a two-step approach. In the first step, we estimate to estimate a country-specific time-varying measure of fiscal sustainability using the fiscal reaction function. This function captures the response of the primary...
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We consider a new dataset that provides a description of the population of financial equity flows between developed countries from 2001 to 2018. We follow the standard practice of controlling for pull and push factors as well as gravity-style variables, while also accounting for the business...
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coefficients in the case of panel data models when the time dimension (T) is fixed while the cross section dimension (N) is allowed … effects in the panel. It is shown that the pooled estimator remains consistent so long as delta < 1, and is asymptotically …
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This paper develops a model for dynamic binary choice panel data that allows for unobserved heterogeneity to be … finite sample performance of our GMM estimators. -- dynamic discrete choice ; fixed effects ; panel data ; initial values …
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