Showing 1 - 10 of 748
We conduct an information-provision experiment within a large-scale household survey on public finance in France, The …
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This paper studies drivers' responses to a "notched" penalty scheme in which speeding penalties are stepwise and discontinuously increasing in speed. We present survey evidence suggesting that drivers in Germany are well aware of the notched penalty structure. Based on a simple analytical...
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Das Insight Mobilität-Konzept: Vier Grundformen der Mobilität -- Der Homo Mobilicus -- Mobilität in Zahlen: Wo findet Mobilität tatsächlich statt? -- Individuelle Mobilitätsmuster: Was denken Experten und Nutzer? -- Mobilitätstypen: Welches Mobilitätsverhalten ist typisch? --...
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The compromise enhancing effect of lobbying on public policy has been established in two typical settings. In the first, lobbies are assumed to act as 'principals' and the setters of the policy (the candidates in a Downsian electoral competition or the elected policy maker in a citizen-...
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Due to the complexity of employment protection legislation (EPL) in Germany, there is notable uncertainty about the outcomes of dismissal conflicts. In this study we focus on severance pay and inquire whether its incidence and level varies in a systematic manner with the legal rules as defined...
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The Colonel Blotto game is a two-player constant-sum game in which each player simultaneously distributes her fixed level of resources across a set of contests. In the traditional formulation of the Colonel Blotto game, the players’ resources are use it or lose itʺ in the sense that any...
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We analyze equilibria of two-player contests where players have intention-based preferences. We find that players invest more effort compared to the case with selfish preferences and are even willing to exert effort when the monetary value of the prize converges to zero. As a consequence,...
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I present a two-player nested contest which is a convex combination of two widely studied contests: the Tullock (lottery) contest and the all-pay auction. A Nash equilibrium exists for all parameters of the nested contest. If and only if the contest is sufficiently asymmetric, then there is an...
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Herausforderungen für die Gewährleistung von Versorgungssicherheit -- Überblick über ergänzende Mechanismen zur Sicherstellung von Versorgungssicherheit -- Modellierung von Kapazitätszubau im Rahmen eines mengenbasierten Kapazitätsmarktes -- Analyse und Interpretation unterschiedlicher...
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