Showing 1 - 10 of 14
Die Einkommens- und Vermögensverteilung hatte sich in Deutschland vor dem Beginn der Finanzkrise zunehmend ungleich … Preis des Wachstums? Wie ist die Situation in Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich einzuschätzen? Können Einkommen durch …
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Aktuell wird darüber diskutiert, ob das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) obere Einkommenschichten begünstige. Dem wird entgegengehalten, dass die Energiepolitik nicht auf die Einkommensverteilung gerichtet sei, dafür seien andere Politikbereiche verantwortlich. Wenn überhaupt, sollten die...
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Analysen zur Einkommensverteilung in Deutschland anhand administrativer Daten des Taxpayer-Panels zeigen einen engen …
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We analyze the distribution and taxation of top incomes in Germany during the 1990s on the basis of individual tax returns data. We derive a measure of economic income from taxable gross income as reported in the tax returns. Thanks to complete sampling, we can deliver a very precise description...
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German policy during the Eurozone crisis supposedly follows an ordoliberal tradition. In this paper, we discuss to what extent this contention holds and to what extent Germany pragmatically responded to different crisis phenomena. A proper analysis of ordoliberal thinking reveals that the...
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In the Great Recession most OECD countries used short-time work (publicly subsidized working time reductions) to counteract a steep increase in unemployment. We show that short-time work can actually save jobs. However, there is an important distinction to be made: While the rule-based component...
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In this paper we study the link between elections, fiscal policy and economic growth/fluctuations. The set-up is a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of growth and endogenously chosen fiscal policy, in which two political parties can alternate in power. The party in office chooses...
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This paper provides new evidence on the sustainability of public finances in German states (Laender) by exploiting a newly compiled database covering the years 1950 - 2011. Unlike previous studies on Germany, we analyze fiscal sustainability by applying "gsecond generation" panel cointegration...
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In this paper we analyze the sustainability of public finances in the states (Laender) of the Federal Republic of Germany using an unprecedentedly comprehensive fiscal dataset for the time period from 1950 to 2011 for West German Laender and 1991 to 2011 for East German Laender, respectively. In...
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