Showing 1 - 10 of 14
novel German data on self-reported comparison intensity and perceived relative income for seven reference groups. We find … negative correlations between comparison intensity and SWB for colleagues, people in the same occupation and friends, but not …
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The German law on co-determination at the plant level (Betriebsverfassungsgesetz) stipulates that works councilors are neither to be financially rewarded nor penalized for their activities. This regulation contrasts with publicized instances of excessive payments. The divergence has sparked a...
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Cooperative fiscal federalism needs a multi-level consent to decide on the allocation of intergovernmental transfers. We study how parliamentary representation of municipalities on the federal level influences the allocation of federal transfers to municipal governments under this type of...
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In this paper, we extend Henning Bohn's (2008) fiscal sustainability test by allowing for slope heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence (CD). In particular, our econometric approach is the first that allows fiscal reaction functions (FRF) to capture unobserved heterogeneous effects from...
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Due to the complexity of employment protection legislation (EPL) in Germany, there is notable uncertainty about the …
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In Germany, there is no trade union membership wage premium, while the membership fee amounts to 1% of the gross wage … evidence for a private gain from trade union membership which has hitherto not been documented: in West Germany, union members …
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In 1996, statutory sick pay was reduced for private sector workers in Germany. Using the empirical observation that …
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newly compiled database covering the years 1950 - 2011. Unlike previous studies on Germany, we analyze fiscal sustainability …
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Germany using an unprecedentedly comprehensive fiscal dataset for the time period from 1950 to 2011 for West German Laender …
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on panel data for West Germany indicate that the legal change did have a negative effect on severance pay. -- panel data …
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