Showing 1 - 10 of 13
this background, we empirically investigate gender-role attitudes in reunified Germany. Our results show that East Germans …
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extent this contention holds and to what extent Germany pragmatically responded to different crisis phenomena. A proper …
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how to bridge such divides. We study the effects of a major citizenship reform in Germany - the introduction of birthright …
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default. Due to a multitude of large scale events in its past, Germany is far from being an exception: In fact, Germany … Germany's public finances against the standard theoretical background using a unique database, retrieved from multiple sources … historical perception of Germany as the poster child of European public finance. Given these corresponding breaks in time series …
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children born in Germany after January 1, 2000. Using survey data we collected in 57 German schools and comparing those born in …
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In this paper, we extend Henning Bohn's (2008) fiscal sustainability test by allowing for slope heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence (CD). In particular, our econometric approach is the first that allows fiscal reaction functions (FRF) to capture unobserved heterogeneous effects from...
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effects of public transit strikes on urban populations in Germany. Due to higher traffic volumes and longer travel times …
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Over the last several decades, there has been a widespread decrease in civic engagement coinciding with a breakdown in traditional family structures in many countries throughout the developed world. According to Putnam in Bowling alone (2000), however, none of the major declines in civic...
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birthright citizenship in Germany caused immigrant parents to adapt their educational choices for their offspring. We employ a …
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Cooperative fiscal federalism needs a multi-level consent to decide on the allocation of intergovernmental transfers. We study how parliamentary representation of municipalities on the federal level influences the allocation of federal transfers to municipal governments under this type of...
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