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error differs substantially across countries. Based on a comparison of forecasting practices we show that these differences … lower standard deviation of the forecast error. -- revenue forecasting ; international comparison ; OECD countries …
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extent this contention holds and to what extent Germany pragmatically responded to different crisis phenomena. A proper …
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We examine whether parties punish politicians who vote against the party line in roll-call votes. Using data of German members of parliament over the legislative period 2009-2013, we take into account that the effect of punishment differs along the list of candidates because a candidate is...
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We examine whether German state governments manipulated fiscal forecasts before elections. Our data set includes three fiscal measures over the period 1980-2014. The results do not show that electoral motives influenced fiscal forecasts in West German states. By contrast, East German state...
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default. Due to a multitude of large scale events in its past, Germany is far from being an exception: In fact, Germany … Germany's public finances against the standard theoretical background using a unique database, retrieved from multiple sources … historical perception of Germany as the poster child of European public finance. Given these corresponding breaks in time series …
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In this paper, we extend Henning Bohn's (2008) fiscal sustainability test by allowing for slope heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence (CD). In particular, our econometric approach is the first that allows fiscal reaction functions (FRF) to capture unobserved heterogeneous effects from...
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We examine whether government ideology was correlated with the growth in military expenditure in Germany over the …
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In January 2005 the German Supreme Court permitted the state governments to charge tuition fees. By exploiting the natural experiment, we examine how government ideology influenced the introduction of tuition fees. The results show that rightwing governments were active in introducing tuition...
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Members of parliament (MPs) often decide on their own salaries. Voters dislike self-serving politicians, and politicians are keen to gratify their voters. In line with the political business cycle theories, politicians thus may well delay deciding on increases in salaries until after elections....
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students who moved across the East-West border after German reunification with students who moved within former East Germany …
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