Showing 1 - 10 of 715
Based on new, exceptionally informative and large German linked employer-employee administrative data, we investigate the question whether the omission of important control variables in matching estimation leads to biased impact estimates of typical active labour market programs for the...
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This paper investigates the link between variation in the supply of workers who participate in specific types of active labour market policies (ALMPs) and firm performance using a new exceptionally informative German employer-employee data base. For identification we exploit that German local...
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This paper investigates how precisely short-term, job-search oriented training programs as opposed to long-term, human capital intensive training programs work. We evaluate and compare their effects on time until job entry, stability of employment, and earnings. Further, we examine the...
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strongest with respect to affiliate employment in Western Europe. A one percent larger wage gap between Germany and locations in …
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We study how beliefs about the automatability of workers' occupation affect labor-market expectations and willingness to participate in further training. In our representative online survey, respondents on average underestimate the automation risk of their occupation, especially those in...
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In this paper, we study the development and underlying drivers of skill premiums in Germany between 1980 and 2008. We …
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It is widely believed that globalization affects the extent of employment and wage responses to economic shocks. To provide evidence for this, we analyze the effect of firms' exporting behavior on the elasticity of labor demand. Using rich, German administrative linked employer-employee panel...
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and policy responses in real-time and provide the first application to Germany in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic …
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This paper analyzes the effects of Denmark's Start Aid welfare reform that targets refugees. Implemented in 2002, it …
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