Showing 1 - 10 of 252
Based on new, exceptionally informative and large German linked employer-employee administrative data, we investigate the question whether the omission of important control variables in matching estimation leads to biased impact estimates of typical active labour market programs for the...
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We estimate a dynamic discrete choice model of Registered Nurses’ labor supply with random terms. A distinguished feature of our model is that random terms are correlated over time and jobs (habit persistence). Past options and not only the past optimal choices matter for the current choices....
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Denmark has accepted refugees from a large variety of countries and for more than four decades. Denmark has also …
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In this paper, we study the development and underlying drivers of skill premiums in Germany between 1980 and 2008. We …
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This paper analyzes the effects of Denmark's Start Aid welfare reform that targets refugees. Implemented in 2002, it …
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It is widely believed that globalization affects the extent of employment and wage responses to economic shocks. To provide evidence for this, we analyze the effect of firms' exporting behavior on the elasticity of labor demand. Using rich, German administrative linked employer-employee panel...
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effects on wage inequality in Germany using a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Auerbach …
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This paper studies the role of job search assistance programs in optimal welfare-to-work programs. The analysis is based on a framework, that allows for endogenous choice of benefit types and levels, wage taxes or subsidies, and activation measures such as monitoring and job search assistance...
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Using specific panel data of German welfare benefit recipients, we investigate the nonpecuniary life satisfaction effects of in-work benefits. Our empirical strategy combines difference-in-difference designs with synthetic control groups to analyze transitions of workers between unemployment,...
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restructuring of the Federal Employment Agency in Germany (Hartz III labor market reform) for aggregate matching and unemployment … Employment Agency did not contribute to the decline in unemployment in Germany. By contrast, improved activation of unemployed …
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