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preferences. Among the behavioral patterns that allow for a clear-cut interpretation on the decision level, we find that roughly … almost half of our subjects. Among those, roughly 24%are rational expected utility maximizers, 24% make occasional mistakes …
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deviation (in beliefs, utility, or perceived prices) is within e of expected utility theory. The number e can then be used as a …We propose a new measure of deviations from expected utility, given data on economic choices under risk and uncertainty … distance to the theory. We apply our methodology to three recent large-scale experiments. Many subjects in those experiments …
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A general framework is described specifying how boundedly rational decision makers generate their choices. Starting … decision routines (by applying New Problem Solver). Our admittedly bold attempt is loosely related to some stylized …
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We formulate a general theory of preferences over outcome-time-probability triplets and decompose uncertainty into risk … general discounted utility model which encompasses the main empirically supported discounted utility models. We show that our … axioms on preferences are satisfied in our general discounted utility model. Finally, we discuss the various explanations of …
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-with-evaluation-errors theory that incorporates both dimensions and delivers sharp empirical predictions about their effect on choice behavior. We …. Second, even highly experienced decision-makers are more likely to make mistakes when choosing from sets with higher …
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, agents can either decide rationally according to expected utility theory or intuitively according to case-based decision …We study the influence of reason and intuition on decision making over time. Facing a sequence of similar problems … theory. Rational decisions are more precise but create higher costs, though these costs may decrease over time. We find that …
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Empirical welfare analyses often impose stringent parametric assumptions on individuals' preferences and neglect unobserved preference heterogeneity. In this paper, we develop a framework to conduct individual and social welfare analysis for discrete choice that does not suffer from these...
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The quasi-linear quadratic utility model is widely used in economics. The knowledge of its exact origin is less …
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We attempt to formulate and explain two types of self-fulfilling prophecy, called the Pygmalion effect (if a supervisor thinks her subordinates will succeed, they are more likely to succeed) and the Galatea effect (if a person thinks he will succeed, he is more likely to succeed). To this...
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