Showing 1 - 10 of 477
Katz and Rapoport (2005) conclude that with linear production technology and the possibility of unilateral migration, region-specific shocks may increase the average level of education. Previously, Poutvaara (2000) derived a corresponding result with Cobb-Douglas technology and migration which...
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We propose a regression-adjusted matched difference-in-differences framework to estimate non-pecuniary returns to adult education. This approach combines kernel matching with entropy balancing to account for selection bias and sorting on gains. Using data from the German SOEP, we evaluate the...
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Using the New Immigrant Survey, we investigate the impact of immigrant women’s own labor supply prior to migrating and female labor supply in their source country on their labor supply and wages in the US. Women migrating from higher female labor supply countries work more in the US. Most of...
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We examine the effects of differences in social capital on first and second best transfers to families with children, in an asymmetric information context where the number of births, and the future earning capacity of each child that is born, are random variables. The probability that a couple...
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We develop a two-country, two-sector model of trade where the only difference between the two countries is their distribution of human capital endowments. We show that even if the two countries have identical aggregate human capital endowments the pattern of trade depends on the properties of...
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shocks across the life cycle on labor market outcomes and major life decisions: human capital investment, mobility, family …
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This paper examines the relationship between countries' bilateral trade with the United States that is not due to gravity (non-gravity trade) and the distribution of income within countries. In countries where only a small share of the population are educated, an increase in non-gravity trade is...
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A recent Spanish tax reform granted regions the authority to set income tax rates, resulting in substantial tax differentials. We use individual-level information from Social Security records over a period of one decade. Conditional on moving, taxes have a significant effect on location choice....
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population mobility patterns across 135 countries. Taking into account the contemporaneous presence of multiple interventions, we … changing population mobility patterns in a manner consistent with time-use and epidemiologically relevant considerations. We …
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Unexpected mobility disruptions during lockdown during the first wave of COVID-19 became 'tipping points' with the … alcohol consumption. We document two findings using information from the Google Mobility Report and longitudinal data from the … Understanding Society in the United Kingdom. First, we find a sharp reduction in both actual mobility and alcohol use (consistent …
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