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rate risk shock increases by 63 percent and the contribution of interest rate risk shocks to business cycle volatility more …Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Pablo A. Guerrón-Quintana, Juan F. Rubio-Ramírez and Martín Uribe (2011) find that risk … than doubles. Hence, risk matters more in the recalibrated model. However, the recalibrated model does worse in capturing …
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We propose a new empirical framework that jointly decomposes the conditional variance of economic time series into a common and a sector-specific uncertainty component. We apply our framework to a large dataset of disaggregated industrial production series for the US economy. Our results...
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This paper proposes an explanation of the shifts in the volatility of exchange rate returns that relies on standard … may lead agents to focus excessively on a subset of fundamental variables. As a result, exchange rate volatility is mainly … determined by the dynamics of this subset of fundamentals. As agents switch between models the nominal exchange rate volatility …
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has roots in fundamentals. Higher market risk predicts greater idiosyncratic earnings volatility as well as dispersion and …From 1963 through 2015, idiosyncratic risk (IR) is high when market risk (MR) is high. We show that the positive …
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and, using a spread decomposition, we identify information risk as the largest component of illiquidity. Information costs … following the peak of the panic. Notably, market illiquidity risk is priced in the cross section of stock returns. Thus, our …
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Natural gas is likely to become increasingly important in the future. Understanding the stochastic underpinnings of natural gas prices will be critical, both to policy analysts and to market participants. To this end, we investigate the potential presence of jumps in natural gas spot prices in...
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. The results indicate that persistence is higher at lower frequencies, for both returns and their volatility. This is true …
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This paper investigates the degree of persistence of market fear. Specifically, two different long-memory approaches (R/S analysis with the Hurst exponent method and fractional integration) are used to analyse persistence of the VIX index over the sample period 2004-2016, as well as some...
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first-order approximated solution built by perturbation methods accounts for risk. We show that risk matters economically in … a real business cycle (RBC) model with habit formation and capital adjustment costs and that neglecting risk leads to …
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We provide benchmarks to evaluate what is an optimal foreign debt and a maximal foreign debt (debt-max), when risk is … capital. We consider two sets of high- risk countries during the period 1978-99: a subset of 21 countries that defaulted on … default risk, and add another dimension to the literature of early warning signals of default/credit risk. …
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