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This paper develops an empirical model of consumer taste in twenty-nine Belgium food industries for the period from 1998-2005 to generate a "taste distance" measure of over 1,800 firm-product exports to 53 country destinations. We estimate consumer taste using a control function approach and...
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-distributed firm productivity and fixed costs of exporting, predicts that, conditional on the fixed costs of exporting, all variation … of firm productivity allows the Melitz model to successfully match the role of the intensive margin evident in the EDD … estimate a generalized Melitz model with a joint lognormal distribution for firm productivity, fixed costs and demand shifters …
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In this paper, we zoom in on the firm level of German merchandise foreign trade, using a novel data base with information on the export and import value by firm, country, product and year for the period 2011-2019. Problems arising from the consolidated reporting of taxable entities and the...
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During the early 1990s Germany received over half a million Yugoslavian refugees fleeing war. By 2000, many of these refugees, who were under temporary protection, had been repatriated. We exploit this historical episode to provide causal evidence on the role that migrants play explaining export...
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This paper documents the importance of consumer taste in trade flows using Belgian firm-product customs data by destination. We identify consumer taste through the use of a control function approach and estimate it jointly with other demand parameters using a very flexible demand specification....
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' management competency is associated with a 7.5 percent improvement in sales productivity and a 29.2 increase in profitability …
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This paper examines the relationship between the credit constraints faced by a firm and the unit value prices of its exports. The paper modifies Arkolakisś (2010) model of trade with heterogeneous firms by introducing endogenous quality and credit constraints. The model predicts that tighter...
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Recent theoretical research shows that exporters are more productive than nonexporters. We show that this result holds almost trivially for the case of constant marginal cost of production, as mainly assumed in the literature, but it may not hold true if the marginal cost is not constant. Our...
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We provide an overview and synthesis of recent work on models of monopolistic competition with heterogeneous firms in international trade, paying particular attention to competition effects, pass-through, selection effects, and linking distributions of firm characteristics and outcomes. A...
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types, are affected differently. Given the same restrictive TBTs, firms with higher productivity suffer less, while firms … with lower productivity are more vulnerable to the trade barriers. …
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