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We propose a dynamic bank theory with a delayed loss recognition mechanism and a regulatory capital constraint at its core. The estimated model matches four facts about banks' Tobin's Q that summarize bank leverage dynamics. (1) Book and market equity values diverge, especially during crises;...
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In this article, we investigate the deregulation efforts resulting from the 2015 transposition of the EU’s Transparency Directive into German law and analyze whether a reduction in the minimum content requirements for quarterly reporting increases information asymmetries and decreases firm...
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Current reform proposals in international and corporate tax (most notably the OECD's GloBE proposal) envisage taxing financial statement income. This paper develops a conceptual framework – based on the literature on the elasticity of taxable income – for the welfare analysis of such...
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inequality. This paper uses a 19-year panel of administrative data for the population of Norway to examine the share of the Total …
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Parents make important choices for their children in many areas of life, yet the empirical literature on this topic is scarce. We study parents’ competitiveness choices for their children by combining two large-scale artefactual field experiments with high-quality longitudinal administrative...
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a unique policy experiment in Norway, where reference pricing (RP) replaced price cap regulation in 2003 for a sub …
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from Norway. We find that a worker is paid more and faces less earnings risk if she gets a job in a firm with worker …
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domestic income groups. Our example is the EU 2030 policies and Norway’s linking to it. In spite of theoretical ambiguity, the … findings suggest that the tighter the links with the EU, the lower the abatement costs for Norway. The distributional profile … cap-and-trade system without linking to the EU is the least cost-effective option for Norway but also the most progressive …
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spread of COVID-19 at the onset of the pandemic: While Denmark, Finland and Norway imposed strict measures (‘lockdowns …
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The Norwegian Tax Administration operated multi-year random audits of personal income tax returns. We exploit this exceptional randomized setup to estimate the effects of tax audits on future compliance explicitly distinguishing between dynamic responses of compliant and noncompliant audited...
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