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According to the Framework Convention on Climate Change, global collective action is needed to stabilize "greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous [our emphasis] anthropogenic interference with the climate system." The Framework Convention thus...
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This paper examines how neutral the current EU decision-making procedures are to membership and how well they obey certain transparent general constitutional principles. The paper evaluates the performance of the procedures by strategic and classical power indices. The main emphasis in the...
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We propose a semi-cooperative game theoretic approach to check whether a given coalition is stable in a Bayesian game with independent private values. The ex ante expected utilities of coalitions, at an incentive compatible (noncooperative) coalitional equilibrium, describe a (cooperative)...
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Under appropriate assumptions (private values and uniform punishments), the Nash equilibria of a Bayesian repeated game without discounting are payoff-equivalent to tractable, completely revealing, equilibria and can be achieved as interim cooperative solutions of the initial Bayesian game. This...
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networks, such coordination may be very difficult to achieve and may depend on the communication technology and the network … structure. We examine how pre-play communication and clustering within networks affect coordination in a challenging … experimental game on eight-person networks. Free-form chat is enormously effective in achieving the non-equilibrium efficient …
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This paper analyses bargaining over an incentive compatible contract in a moral hazard framework. We introduce the … Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution and compare the outcome with the commonly applied Nash solution. Whether worker …'s effort is higher in the Nash or the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution depends on the agents. bargaining power. If agents have equal …
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We experimentally investigate a bargaining environment in which players negotiate over a fixed payment to one player …. Moreover, bargaining frictions increase as risk increases, and we document more frequent disagreements as risk increases. When … bargaining models require some separation between the determinants of bargaining power and fair compensation for risk exposure. …
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We experimentally investigate the effect of time pressure in a rich-context, unstructured bargaining game with earned … explained by a stronger connection between the tension in first proposals and the final bargaining outcome under time pressure …
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We consider rules (strategies, commitments, contracts, or computer programs) that make behavior contingent on an opponent's rule. The set of perfectly observable rules is not well defined. Previous contributions avoid this problem by restricting the rules deemed admissible. We instead limit the...
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artificial intelligence may or may not be cooperative. We study the deter-minants and forms of algorithmic cooperation in the … prisoner’s dilemma games played by humans in the lab. We find that the same factors that increase human cooperation largely … also determine the cooperation rates of algorithms. However, algorithms tend to play different strategies than humans …
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