Showing 1 - 10 of 139
This paper analyses the effect of international borders and of trade agreements at international borders on subnational … 1950 and 2017. Our results show that international borders decrease regional income per capita, while trade agreements at … international borders increase regional income per capita by about the same magnitude. The positive marginal effect of trade …
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What causes U.S. trade with Mexico and Canada to continue growing faster, for up to a decade, relative to countries … with which the U.S. does not have a free trade agreement? Baier and Bergstrand (2007) suggest that tariff phase-out and … tariff cuts negotiated under the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) affected …
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This paper explores the economic impacts of preferential trade agreements, conditional on their level of ambition. We … cluster 278 agreements, encompassing 910 provisions over 18 policy areas and estimate the trade elasticity for the different …, revealing that deepening existing agreements (the intensive margin of regional integration) could boost world trade by 5 percent …
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This paper uncovers new stylized facts on the relation between economic integration and world trade prices. Using … export price data combined with data on 32 WTO (World Trade Organization) accessions by developing countries and hundreds of … new PTAs (Preferential Trade Agreements), we show that a country's membership in trade agreements is associated with an …
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We use a unique case study to estimate the effect of withdrawing from a free trade agreement on international trade … the withdrawal from a trade agreement affects trade. We analyze a quasi-natural experiment to provide first empirical …"). Based on the gravity model of international trade, we provide evidence from triple difference-in-differences as well as PPML …
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In light of the recent tit-for-tat trade dispute between China and the US, interest in quantifying the effects of the … so-called phase one agreement has risen. To this end, the paper quantifies the impact of the asymmetric managed trade … for China and the US, trade diversion effects are also analyzed. The model-based analysis finds noticeable positive …
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This paper shows that Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS) makes multinational firms more aggressive by increasing cost-reducing investments with the aim to enlarge the potential compensation an ISDS provision may offer. While a larger investment reduces the market distortion, it will also...
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Free trade often leads to resource depletion, such as deforestation in the tropics. This paper first presents a dynamic … depletion. Because of the damages, the North benefits from trade liberalization only if the remaining stock is, in any case … trade agreement, whereby the allocation of gains from trade, and thus the location on the Pareto frontier, is conditioned on …
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We study the role of firms in the political economy of trade agreements. Using detailed information from lobbying … reports filed under the Lobbying Disclosure Act, we find that virtually all firms that lobby on free trade agreements (FTAs … in international trade and to operate in comparative advantage sectors. To rationalize these findings, we develop a model …
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In a three-country model of endogenous trade agreements, we study the implications of the Most Favored Nation Clause … (MFN) when countries are free to form discriminatory preferential trade agreements (PTAs). While PTA members discriminate … reduces the potency of a country’s optimal tariffs and therefore its incentive for unilaterally opting out of trade …
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