Showing 1 - 10 of 44
(1987) and weights agree with the Lorenz quasi-ordering. Gini, S-Gini, and a class putting more emphasis on inequality in … for the maximin, Gini, and "illfare-ranked single-series Ginis". We then turn to a discrete population setting, and …
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trade-off between size and inequality using the Gini or related families of positional indices. The key idea is that when …
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change in the Gini (based on consumption expenditure) by up to 0.03 points. Cross-country heterogeneity in this change is … large as the change in the standard Gini measure over the period of interest. …
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We decompose the generalized Lorenz order into a size and a distribution component. The former is represented by stochastic dominance, the latter by the standard Lorenz order. We show that it is always possible, given generalized Lorenz dominance between two distributions F and G, to find...
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We examine asset prices in a representative-agent model of general equilibrium. Assuming only that individuals are risk averse, we determine conditions on the changes in asset risk that are both necessary and sufficient for the asset price to fall. We show that these conditions neither imply,...
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European banks have been criticized for holding excessive domestic government debt during the recent Eurozone crisis, which may have intensified the diabolic loop between sovereign and bank credit risks. By using a novel bank-level dataset covering the entire timeline of the Eurozone crisis, I...
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This paper presents a new explanation for the sustained pattern of international net capital flows by modifying the standard consumption capital asset pricing model (CCAPM) to create net capital flows beyond the initial period. In addition to the well established link between asset returns and...
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We develop a macroeconomic framework in which firms are large and have market power with respect to both products and labor. Each firm maximizes a share-weighted average of shareholder utilities, which makes the equilibrium independent of price normalization. In a one-sector economy, if returns...
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We explore the impact of mortgage securitization on the international diversification of macroeconomic risk. By making mortgage-related risks internationally tradeable, securitization contributes considerably to better international consumption risk sharing: we find that countries with the most...
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The 2008 Nobel prize for economics was awarded to Paul Krugman for three papers - Krugman (1979, 1980, 1991). In this paper we illustrate that, indeed, these three papers are closely connected. We present - a summary of - the papers using a unified framework. Central in the discussion is the...
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