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We study stable matchings on exogenously given or endogenously formed bipartite graphs that reflect constraints on matching. The effects of a change of the exogenously given graph (constraints) are investigated. Specifically, we examine to what extent individuals gain or lose from relaxing...
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We present a multi-country theory of economic growth in which countries are connected by a network of mutual knowledge … industrial revolution, followed by decreasing relative inequality. Knowledge diffusion through a Small World network explains the …
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The recent literature on firm-to-firm trade has documented salient empirical regularities of the buyer-seller network … assessment of theoretical models that aim to identify the determinants of firm-to-firm networks in international trade. …
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Many data situations require the consideration of network effects among the cross-sectional units of observation. In … this paper, we present a generalized panel model which accounts for two features: (i) three types of network effects on the … error components, and (ii) higher-order network effects due to ex-ante unknown network-decay functions or the presence of …
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We study the impact of research collaborations in coauthorship networks on research output and how optimal funding can … maximize it. Through the links in the collaboration network, researchers create spillovers not only to their direct coauthors … possibly overlapping projects. We bring our model to the data by analyzing the coauthorship network of economists registered in …
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We study the formation of networks in environments where agents derive benefits from other agents directly linked to … networks with undirected links (e.g. epidemics, underground resistance organizations, trade networks) where we find that stable … networks are comprised of completely connected disjoint subnetworks. Then, we consider networks with directed links and we find …
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In this paper, we develop a network perspective on the welfare gains from trade in today's internationally fragmented …
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financial network where good firms enjoy direct and indirect benefits from linking with one another. Bad risks benefit from … having a connection with a good firm, but they are a cost to both direct and indirect connections. In efficient networks the … good risks should form large connected components with very few bad risks attached. The equilibrium networks, on the other …
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-worker network connections. We use a unique dataset that matches patent data to administrative employer–employee records from "Third … displacements to recruit connected inventors and the improved capacity to employ knowledgeable labor within the network increases …
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review is on studies that use network analysis paying special attention to those that apply complex analysis techniques …
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