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effective; it yields total contestants' efforts that are larger than those obtained under almost any Tullock-type lottery … ; lottery …
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and lottery contests with several heterogeneous contestants. Two instruments of favoritism are considered: Head starts … first-best revenue. In the lottery contest, head starts are less effective than biases and combining both instruments cannot … further increase revenue. As all-pay auctions revenue-dominate lottery contests under optimal biases, we thus obtain an …
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symmetric players, a single prize, and two alternative match formats. Matches are either organized as lottery contests or all … tournaments based on all-pay auctions is also at odds with theory. In the lab, such tournaments heavily disfavor (in payoff …
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In this paper, we generalize the General Lotto game and the Colonel Blotto game to allow for battlefield valuations that are heterogeneous across battlefields and asymmetric across players, and for the players to have asymmetric resource constraints. We completely characterize Nash equilibrium...
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Blotto Game ; auction ; lottery …
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An auction is viewed as a process that in equilibrium generates a binary lottery for each bidder, which the bidder buys …
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A well-known theoretical result in the contest literature is that greater heterogeneity decreases performance of contestants because of the "discouragement effect." Leveling the playing field by favoring weaker contestants through bid-caps and favorable tie-breaking rules can reduce the...
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Betting markets have been frequently used as a natural laboratory to test the efficient market hypothesis and to obtain insights especially for financial markets. We add to this literature in analyzing the velocity and accuracy in which market expectations adapt to an exogenous shock: the...
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We provide a solution to the free-rider problem in the provision of a public good. To this end we define a biased indirect contribution game which provides the efficient amount of the public good in non-cooperative Nash equilibrium. No confiscatory taxes or other means of coercion are used. We...
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Eeckhoudt and Schlesinger (2006), based upon simple lottery preference. This article show how the mathematics of lattice theory … can be used to model these lottery preferences. In addition to modeling a simple lattice structure, I show how such …
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