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cryptocurrencies, i.e. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin. More than 1,000 GARCH models are fitted to the log returns of the … well as using a Model Confidence Set (MCS) procedure for their loss functions. The results imply that using standard GARCH …
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This paper estimates a bivariate HEAVY system including daily and intra-daily volatility equations and its macro-augmented asymmetric power extension. It focuses on economic factors that exacerbate stock market volatility and represent major threats to financial stability. In particular, it...
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This paper applies a fractional integration framework to analyse the stochastic behaviour of two Russian stock market volatility índices (namely the originally created RTSVX and the new RVI that has replaced it), using daily data over the period 2010-2018. The empirical findings are consistent...
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alternative models, specifically option-implied volatility forecasts based on the Black-Scholes model, ARCH/GARCH-type model … combination methods using a simple average outperform ARCH/GARCH-type models in terms of forecasting accuracy. …
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This paper estimates a time-varying AR-GARCH model of inflation producing measures of inflation uncertainty for the … inflation uncertainty by lowering the inflation rate. -- inflation ; inflation uncertainty ; time-varying parameters ; GARCH …
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GARCH in order to characterize the behavior of daily, weekly as well as monthly oil prices. Secondly, it relates its … characterized by GARCH as well as conditional jump behavior and that a considerable portion of the total variance is triggered by … ; conditional jumps ; GARCH ; Hotelling ; climate change ; deterministic trend …
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This paper examines the asymmetric impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and oil price uncertainty (OPU) on inflation by using a Nonlinear ARDL (NARDL) model, which is compared to a benchmark linear ARDL one. Using monthly data from the 1990s until August 2022 for a number of developed and...
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emissions trading market. Based on the application of a combined jump-GARCH model the behavior of EUA prices is characterized …. The jump-GARCH model explains the unsteady carbon price movement well and, moreover, shows that between 40 and 60 percent … carbon prices are desired. -- emission allowance prices ; GARCH ; jumps ; jump-induced variance …
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The paper advances the log-generalized gamma distribution as a suitable generator of conditional skewness. Based on the NYSE composite daily returns an asMA-asQGARCH model along with skewness dynamics is estimated. The results indicate a skewness that varies between sizeable negative skewness...
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