Showing 1 - 10 of 199
The risk of investment in schooling has largely been ignored. We assess the variance in the rate of return by surveying the international empirical literature from this fresh perspective and by simulating risky earnings profiles in alternative options, choosing parameters on basis of the very...
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In this model of education, where individuals are exposed both to educational risk and to wage risk within the skilled sector, successful graduation depends both on individual effort to study and on public resources. We show that insuring the present risks is a dichotomic task: Wage risk is...
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We focus on the housing market and examine why nonlocal home buyers (NLBs) pay 15 percent more for houses than local home buyers (LBs). We estimate a housing demand model that returns heterogeneous willingness to pay parameters for housing attributes. Our results show that NLBs are willing to...
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In the past fifty years, a voluminous literature estimating the value of schools through capitalization in home prices has emerged. Prior research has identified capitalized value using various approaches including discontinuities caused by boundaries. We use changes in school boundaries and the...
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The difference-in-differences (DID) approach that identifies the capitalization of amenities through changes in housing prices has been widely used in the literature of hedonic estimation in the past decade. However, concerns have been raised about how to interpret the estimated capitalization...
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In the past fifty years, a voluminous literature estimating the value of schools through capitalization in home prices has emerged. Prior research has identified capitalization using a variety of approaches including discontinuities caused by boundaries. Here, we use changes in school boundaries...
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Young highly educated workers developed in the 70 s and 80 s a preference for working in larger cities. As a consequence highly educated young workers in 1990 were over-represented in cities, in spite of the lower wage premium they earned for working in crowded metropolitan areas if compared to...
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This paper examines the behaviour of the Irish labour market during the 1990s. Over the course of the decade the Irish unemployment rate fell from the highest to the lowest in the EU. Over the same period a record number of jobs was created and all the indicators suggest that full employment was...
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Even when labour mobility is low, international integration affectslabour markets by making jobs more mobile. This runs via product market integration, which is an essential element of European integration. Increasing job mobility aects the possibilities single countries perceive in pursuing...
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information. -- minimum wages ; unemployment ; asymmetric information ; labour market regulation …
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